The Gormenghast numbered
Mervyn Peake
Published by
Suntup Editions
List Price
Market Value
February 2, 2025
Jay Johnstone
Introduction by
Clare Peake / Brian Sibley / Michael Moorcock / Chine Mieville / Tad williams
Last recorded sale
November 23, 2024
Value Pages
Description from Suntup Website
The Suntup edition of the Gormenghast novels by Mervyn Peake is the first letterpress printed edition of the novels to be published, and is presented in two states: Numbered and Lettered. The edition measures 6” x 9” and features twenty color illustrations by Jay Johnstone, as well as new exclusive introductions by Clare Peake & Brian Sibley; and previously published essays by Anthony Burgess, China Miéville, Michael Moorcock and Tad Williams. Also included is Mervyn Peake’s 1956 novella, Boy in Darkness―which takes place during the time of the second novel, Gormenghast―along with an accompanying foreword by Maeve Gilmore. All illustrations were painted on vellum and scanned, maintaining the vellum textured background on both the front and back of the illustration.
Interior design and typography is by award-winning designer Mark Argetsinger. The text is set in Monotype Van Dijck with display type set in Flamande. The edition is presented in three volumes and is printed letterpress on Mohawk Superfine and mouldmade Somerset Book by Elias Roustom on his Heidelberg Cylinder in Middleborough, Massachusetts.
The Numbered edition of 250 copies is a Millimeter style binding covered in Hahnemühle Bugra paper sides which are printed with an illustration by Jay Johnstone. Imperial cloth, a finely woven fabric covers the spine and caps the fore-edge. The spine and cover include letterpress printed Bugra labels. Head & tail bands are handmade with cloth. Included in each volume are the following fold-outs: Volume I – Gormenghast Map, Volume II – Family Tree, and Volume III – all three Numbered edition cover illustrations.
Each copy is bound by hand and housed in a clamshell enclosure covered in Halflinnen with Imperial cloth walls and velour lined trays. The spine of the enclosure includes a letterpress printed Bugra label. This state is printed letterpress on Mohawk Superfine and is signed by Clare Peake, Tad Williams, China Miéville, Brian Sibley, Michael Moorcock, and Jay Johnstone.
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