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The Cadaver of Gideon Wyck

Alexander Laing

Centipede Press

Author signature


List Price


Publication year






Lynd Ward

William Hjortsberg

Median Market Value

Recorded Sales



The Cadaver of Gideon Wyck
The Cadaver of Gideon Wyck

18.a Deluxe Red Roman Numeral Edition, quarter leather binding, cloth traycase, green cloth boards, signed by William Hjortsberg: 25 limitation – $250(?)

18.b.i Numbered edition. Full cloth binding with inset pictorial of the frontispiece, signed by William Hjortsberg: 50-100(?) of 300 limitation - $65

18.b.ii Numbered edition. Quarter cloth binding with full height printed front board of the frontispiece, signed by William Hjortsberg: 200-250(?) of 300 limitation - $65

CP website synopsis

One of the greatest crime and horror novels ever written, this long unavailable work (originally published in 1934) is now back in print with a new introduction by William Hjortsberg, who had the luxury of studying under Dr Laing, and so is able to provide offer new insights into the author’s life as well as his fiction.
      We are reprinting the complete novel, with Mr Laing’s extensive footnotes that discuss, among others, the history of medical abnormalities – not the more common abridged edition.
      Aside from an engaging story with excellent characters, The Cadaver of Gideon Wyck is also a terrific mystery. This edition includes three bonus essays by Laing. Limited to 300 numbered copies, each book is signed by William Hjortsberg. We are down to approximately 20 copies.

Deluxe edition

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