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Deliver Me from Eva

Paul Bailey

Deliver Me from Eva

Published by

Centipede Press



List Price



Market Value


Dec 21, 2024



Introduction by

Forrest J Ackerman

Last recorded sale


Jan 1, 2024


22.a.i Deluxe red roman numeral edition, Quarter leather binding, beige cloth boards – cloth traycase: 5-10(?) of 25 limitation – $250(?)

22.a.ii Deluxe red roman numeral edition, Full leather binding with inset pictorial of frontispiece in fornt board, cloth traycase: 15-20(?) of 25 limitation – $250(?)

22.b.i Numbered edition. Full cloth binding with inset pictorial of the frontispiece, gold foil stamping on spine without fleuron sepator, shorter height: 30(?) of 300 limitation - $65

22.b.ii Numbered edition. Full cloth binding with broader inset pictorial of the frontispiece, gold foil stamping on spine with fleuron separating author and title, taller variant: 70(?) of 300 limitation - $65

22.b.iii Numbered edition. Quarter cloth binding with full height printed front board of the frontispiece, silver foil stamping on spine which also includes the press: 200(?) of 300 limitation - $65

A minimum of 3 variants for the standard numbered edition. The first 2 are full cloth bindings with inset pictorials. The pictorial on 22.b.ii is taller and wider than on the 22.b.i variant. This is also true for the book itself. The gold foil stamping on the spine is distinguishable by a fleuron separator of the author name and book title. This in contrast the variant 22.b.iii, which has silver foil staming and is the only variant that displays the publisher's name on the spine. This book shows Jerad's familair style of a fully printed front board minus the quarter faux/bonded leather binding on the spine. Variant 22.b.iii has a yellow headband and yellow ribbon marker versus black headbands on the earlier variants. We have confirmed variant 22.b.i as number 3 and 22 and variant 22.b.ii as number 36. from we guessed the print run for variant 22.b.i as 30. The amount of copies for the otehr variants are pretty much guesswork.

Synopsis from Centipede Press website

Deliver Me from Eva held our editor spellbound, as it will everyone who reads it. But we’re not revealing any of its secrets. We dare you to read it! Eva, who possesses the amazing attributes of an amazing intellect and stunning musical capability, comes from an odd family. Her father is a classic mad scientist [he reminded us of that little duck doctor guy from Tim Burton’s The Nightmare Before Christmas] and he has some awfully strange experiments in store for Eva’s new fiance...
      Although Paul Bailey’s only suspense novel, Deliver Me From Eva, is a recognized horror classic, he has also written many fine historical novels. Forrest J Ackerman, former editor of Famous Monsters of Filmland, has been a profound influence on both the science fiction and horror genres, and has written a special introduction for this new edition.

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